NP Update (Sep 2019)

Walkeringham Neighbourhood Plan went through a Regulation 14 consultation in April & May 2019 where any interested parties were able to comment on its contents.

The plan was then modified to take on board these comments and a slightly modified version has been issued which itself has to have a six week statutory bodies consultation period which will conclude on 1st October. This new version is available here (the document called “20190819 Walkeringham Neighbourhood Plan V3”).

The two major changes after consultation were the removal of Site NP16, The Lilacs Caves Lane due to objections by Nottinghamshire Highways and the removal of the Brickworks Site due to an additional requirement requested by Natural England for a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) before the site could be included. This could delay the plan for up to 12 months. The Neighbourhood Plan Group and the Parish Council still strongly support this site going ahead and a Planning Application is currently with Bassetlaw DC.

Should the latest version of the Plan be robust and acceptable then that will be presented to Bassetlaw DC who will then seek an independent examiner to look at the contents and process.

If all is well then we expect a public referendum in the early part of 2020.